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If you have a question or

comment please reach out

to us.  We'll be  pleased to

respond and help you in

any way we can.


Call or email us today!


Or use our contact form.


TPH Companies, Inc. conducts The Plumber's Helper Hydro Jetting Training School along with Video Inspection Training & Report Writing, Odor Resolution Training and Pressurized Water Leak Detection Training.


Instruction is available at our facilities outside Knoxville, TN or at your location.


Our customers' trust is a source of great pride and inspires us to keep improving our business. We're prepared to help you with any questions you may have or any situations you may encounter.


Get to know us better and send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you.

We look forward to serving you!

Don Pender, President/Owner

Phone: (941) 587-5473


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