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TPH Drain Cleaning Services

"Some Things Just Don't Belong In Your Drains!"

TPH Companies, Inc. offers complete drain cleaning services tailored to meet the needs of your specific facility. This complete service assures your drains, both grease lines and/or sanitary lines, are cleaned and returned to "like new" condition.  These services include video inspection before and after cleaning, hydro jetting all accessible floor drains, floor sinks and main lines in and out of the building. Our process has been proven to reduce drainage related blockages resulting in substantial cost savings, as well as reducing customer and employee dissatisfaction caused by the blocked drain, the associated odors and unsanitary conditions that go with it.


After inspecting and cleaning your location, the TPH technicians will work closely with you and identify any problem areas found.  A follow up inspection can be scheduled to provide objective data to help you determine when to service again, thereby reducing the chances of shutting your business down due to a total blockage.


Contact us for information on these services and how we can save you money!

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